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811 Misplay

Last updated: Saturday, March 3, 2018 - 09:46

It is the responsibility of the player to play the course correctly. Before play begins, players are expected to attend the players' meeting in order to learn about any special conditions that may exist on the course, including extra holes, alternate teeing areas, alternate hole placements, out-of-bounds areas, mandatories, and drop zones.

A misplay has occurred if the player has failed to complete every hole on the course correctly and in the proper order, or has played from an incorrect lie for any throw.

If a misplay is discovered after the scorecard has been turned in, the player receives two penalty throws.

A misplay is not a stance violation, nor is it a practice throw.

A player who deliberately misplays the course to gain competitive advantage may be disqualified in accordance with Section 3.03 of the Competition Manual.

Types of misplay:

Incorrect Lie. The player has played from a lie that is not the correct lie. For example, the player has:

Teed off from a teeing area that is not the correct teeing area for the current hole; or,

Thrown from a lie other than that established by the thrown disc; or,

Played an out-of-bounds disc as if it were in-bounds; or,

Thrown from a lie established by a previous throw which missed a mandatory; or,

Played a disc in a relief area as if it were not in a relief area.

If no subsequent throws have been made after the misplayed throw, that throw is disregarded. The player plays from the correct lie and receives one penalty throw for the misplay. If an additional throw has been made after the misplayed throw, the player continues play and receives two penalty throws for the misplay.

Wrong Target. The player has completed play on a target that is not the correct target for the hole being played. If no subsequent throw has been made, play continues from the resulting lie. If the target is a basket target, then the disc is above the playing surface and play proceeds according to 805.01.C. If the player has teed off on the next hole, two penalty throws are added to the score for the misplayed hole.

Failure to Complete a Hole. The player has finished the round or thrown on a hole without having completed a previous hole. The score for the misplayed hole is the number of throws made, plus one for completing the hole, plus two penalty throws for the misplay. Intentionally failing to complete a hole constitutes withdrawal from competition.

Non-Sequential Play. The player has completed play on a hole in the wrong order. The player continues to play the course in its proper order. Regardless of the number of holes played in the wrong order during the round, a total of two penalty throws is added to the player's total score for the misplay. The score for any completed hole stands.

Missed Hole Due to Late Arrival or Absence. If a player is not present to throw when they are next in the throwing order, and remains absent for at least 30 seconds, the player does not make any more throws on the hole. The player's score for the hole is par plus four. Par is the score that an expert disc golfer would be expected to make on a given hole with errorless play under ordinary weather conditions, as determined by the Director. See Section 1.05.B of the Competition Manual for determining late arrival.

Omitted Hole. The round has been completed, and the player has neglected to play one or more holes. The player receives a score of par plus four for each unplayed hole.

Incorrect Hole. The player has completed a hole that is not part of the course for that round, in place of a hole that is part of the course for the round. Two penalty throws are added to the player's score for the hole.

Extra Hole. The player has completed a hole that is not part of the course for that round. Two penalty throws are added to the player's total score. Throws made on the extra hole are not counted.

Wrong Starting Hole or Group. The player has begun play on a hole or in a group other than the one to which they were assigned. The player continues play, and two throws are added to the player's score for the first hole played.

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