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812 Courtesy

Last updated: Friday, December 1, 2017 - 10:34

A player must not:

Throw if the throw might injure someone or distract another player; or,

Throw out of order without consent or when it would impact another player; or,

Engage in distracting or unsportsmanlike actions such as:

Shouting (unless warning someone at risk of being struck by a disc),


Striking, kicking, or throwing park, course, or player equipment,

Moving or talking while another player is throwing,

Advancing beyond the away player; or,

Leave equipment where it may distract other players or interfere with a thrown disc; or,

Litter, including cigarette butts; or,

Allow their smoke to disturb other players.

A player must:

Perform actions expected by the rules, including:

Helping to find a lost disc; and,

Moving equipment when asked; and,

Keeping score properly.

Watch the other members of the group throw in order to ensure rules compliance and to help find discs.

A player receives a warning for the first violation of any courtesy rule. Each subsequent violation of any courtesy rule by that player in the same round incurs one penalty throw. A courtesy violation may be called or confirmed by any affected player, or by an Official. Repeated courtesy violations may result in disqualification by the Director.

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