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813.01 Illegal Disc

Last updated: Saturday, March 3, 2018 - 09:47

Discs used in play must meet all of the conditions set forth in the PDGA Technical Standards.

A disc which has been modified after production such that its original flight characteristics have been altered is illegal, excepting wear from usage during play and the moderate sanding of discs to smooth molding imperfections or scrapes. Discs excessively sanded, or painted with a material of detectable thickness, are illegal. Adding a device to make a disc easier to find (for example, a light, ribbon, or chalk dust) is allowed only when night or snow play has been announced by the Director.

A disc which is cracked or has a hole in it is illegal.

A disc that is questioned by another player or an Official is illegal unless it is subsequently approved by the Director.

A player who throws an illegal disc during play receives two penalty throws. A player who repeatedly throws an illegal disc may be subject to disqualification in accordance with Section 3.03 of the PDGA Competition Manual.

All discs used in play, except mini marker discs, must be uniquely marked. A player receives a warning for the first throw of an unmarked disc. A player receives one penalty throw for each subsequent throw of an unmarked disc.

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